Director: Peter Jackson
Year Released: 2012
Running Time: 169 minutes
Classification: PG-13
Genre: Fantasy, Action/Adventure
This was probably
the movie I was most looking forward to in 2012. Nothing has matched
Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings trilogy since its
release a decade ago and if something were to come close, this would
be it. I watched the production videos, read the kerfuffle about The
Hobbit becoming three movies rather than two and heard tales of
nausea caused by the newfangled 48fps. So yeah. Whatever the reviews
were going to be I knew I'd be watching this regardless.
A prequel of sorts
to LOTR, The Hobbit tells the story of hobbit Bilbo Baggins
(Martin Freeman), who finds himself on an unexpected journey with
thirteen dwarves setting out to reclaim their mountain home. Compared
to LOTR, the scope is a lot less epic; it's an adventure story,
essentially, though other material has been inserted into the
original story to beef it up. As a result, the movie manages to be
some three hours long and is comprised largely of set-up for the next
There's a lot in the
way of action, not much in the way of story progression. A good half
hour or so into the film and we're (probably) still in the Shire. The
pacing is very slow and I literally almost fell asleep. Orcs attack,
trolls attack, elves talk and dwarves walk. Stuff happens but we
don't really get anywhere. Some scenes are genuinely riveting, the
highlight for me being the appearance of the delightfully creepy
Gollum (Andy Serkis). The film does improve as it goes along, which
is just as well or I would have left the cinema quite unhappy. I
don't think it's a spoiler to say that the dwarves don't get to
reclaim their mountain home in the end – not in this movie anyway.
Consider yourselves warned.
Half of my enjoyment
of this film came from the nostalgia brought on by revisiting Middle
Earth – from hearing the familiar score and from seeing Frodo
(Elijah Wood) and Gandalf (Ian McKellen) and everyone else, including
Figwit (Bret McKenzie). Like LOTR, the film looks fantastic; the
scenery and the design of the locations are simply majestic. Even the
costumes and make-up are works of art.
My only
disappointment – in terms of visuals – lies with the dwarves.
First, I had been hoping to see some dwarven women in the flashbacks
(because beards), but alas no (as far as I know). Second, and I am
probably alone in this complaint, but Thorin (dwarf leader Richard
Armitage) and Kili (hot dwarf Aidan Turner) were too attractive.
Don't get me wrong – I liked the both of them, but they just looked
like men and only strangely shortish men when standing next to
Gandalf. Given that the film is largely populated with monsters and
comical looking dwarves, I suppose you can see why they'd want to
insert some eye-candy. If you compare The Hobbit with the LOTR
films, Thorin is like a more formal/sombre/angsty version of Aragorn
and Kili, if you squint, is a rugged kind of Legolas. A key criterion
of both LOTR roles is, of course, the ability to explode ovaries at
twenty paces. So there you go, we have ourselves some hot dwarves.
As for the new 48
frames per second technology, I just thought it made things really
really clear, sort of like when we made the transition to HD or when
you upgrade your glasses after a trip to the optometrist. I can't
decide if I like it. Sometimes everything on screen looked really
stunning and beautiful, sometimes I felt that I was looking at a
movie set, and I can't pinpoint why. I personally didn't find it
nauseating at all, but then again I have always been fine with 3D and
so on.
I liked so much
about this movie: the visuals, the characters, the music – but it
was just so darned slow and I wanted them all to hurry up and
get to the mountain already. I've found that my enjoyment of the Lord
of the Rings movies is increased when I watch them all in close
succession and I hope the same will be true of The Hobbit trilogy.
For now, however, I can only feel vaguely underwhelmed and wait for
the next film.
Alex's Rating: 3/5
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