Director: Bill Condon
Year Released: 2012
Running Time: 115 minutes
Classification: PG-13
Genre: Urban Fantasy, Romance
In the final
instalment of the Twilight series, we say goodbye to Jacob's
abs, Edward's sparkles and Bella's... Bella. At this point, no one's
going into this film expecting cinematic brilliance, and indeed you'd
be wasting your money if you had hoped this film would be “good”.
For “fans”, of which I am one, Breaking Dawn Part 2 holds
a number of delights/horrors; there's a big battle sequence, creepily
CG'd Renesmee and Aro's laugh to look forward to. All in all, the
quality here is fairly similar to the previous movies, and after four
others, Breaking Dawn Part 2 gives us a sweet finish to the
whole ordeal.
Breaking Dawn
Part 1 (2011) ended with Bella (Kristen Stewart) being turned
into a vampire by Edward (Robert Pattinson) after almost dying giving birth to human/vampire hybrid demon child Renesmee (Mackenzie
Foy). We also saw Jacob (Taylor Lautner), the loser of the love
triangle, “imprint” on Renesmee (kind of like falling in love,
but without the creepiness, honest, because he'd never do
anything like that at least not until she's legal).
In Breaking Dawn
Part 2, Bella becomes an awesome vampire filled with awesome (and
Kristen Stewart does look good in this movie, if you're into that),
and then there's some stuff about not-telling her father, and some
stuff. A vampire sees Renesmee and thinks she's a vampire, and since
making children vampires is illegal, said vampire runs off to report
the “crime” to the Volturi (powerful Italian vampires). As the
Volturi are coming, the Cullen family recruit a bunch of X-men (only
some of whom are racially stereotyped) to act as “witnesses” to
prove their innocence.
The plot is pretty
ridiculous and the first half or so of the movie is incredibly
boring. It doesn't seem like anything is really happening, just a
bunch of people standing around having conversations and it drags.
Yet incredibly, it also feels rushed; we jump from scene to scene and
Bella's narration is used to bridge them in a way that feels like
lazy storytelling. At least the scenery looks good. I guess.
And then there's
(Now, there has been
many an internet rant about the issues here, so I'll just stick to
the movie problems.)
First, there's the
whole skeevy imprinting thing mentioned above. Bella's outrage upon
discovering it is pretty much token and it's the only objection that
comes up in the movie (hey, it's what happens in the book). On the
plus side, Jacob and Renesmee's relationship is never overtly
depicted as “romantic”, unless you count the flash-fowards and
some meaningful looks shared between the two that can so easily be
(mis)interpreted (in my cinema, there were groans and awkward
laughter during these moments, so there you go).
Second, Mackenzie
Foy's face is CG'd on every actress that plays fast-growing Renesmee.
And it's like.... why? Why would you do this? Why? It was creepy as
hell, especially since it wasn't done very well (picture a CG-d face,
semi-floating on another head, drifting slightly – just slightly –
to give the impression of occasional no-chin and uncanny valley
realness). Considering how well they CG'd Bella during her pregnancy
and how people aren't idiots and can tell when a character is the
same character despite changing actors, I just don't understand. On
the plus side, it was so off-putting that it kept me awake throughout
the sluggish first half.
The creepiness isn't
helped by the fact that Renesmee has no discernible
personality. I suppose this isn't really her fault: she doesn't
really get to do anything and is often just in the background. The
way she “communicates” - that is, by touching people and flashing
images in their minds – comes across as some kind of brainwashing
technique, and to me, she could've just as easily been an innocent
child as an evil demonic creature in the guise of an innocent child.
But hey, this made me enjoy the film more rather than less.
So things pick up in
the last part, when the Cullens & co. confront the Volturi and
their cronies. If you've read the book, you'll know how anticlimactic
the climax is, and the movie manages to put a twist on it that is,
dare I say, rather clever. Though it's not as epic as its soundtrack
would lead you to believe, it is action-packed and unexpectedly
violent. I was riveted the whole way through. It's easily the best
part of the movie, barring Aro's strange laugh (see below), and for me it was
totally worth watching the first half to get to this.
I can't see this
movie being enjoyable for someone who isn't invested one way or
another in the Twilight franchise. If you're not a fan, don't bother; if you are fan, you'll be seeing this film regardless of its reviews. Breaking Dawn Part 2 is
arguably the best of the lot, but that's not saying too much. The
story is what it is, the acting is so-so and the quality of the CG
varies. Still, I was surprised by the whole battle sequence and I
must admit that the movie overall was pretty entertaining, even if
for the wrong reasons. It's certainly not a great series of films,
but I couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia when the credits
rolled, reminding us that non-Charlie humans once existed in the
Twi-verse. And now, as the franchise comes to a close, everyone has
the happy ending they were waiting for.
Alex's Rating: 3/5
(for non-fans,
probably 2/5)
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